About me

Hi there! 👋

I'm Igor Borisoglebski. Born in 1986 in the beautiful city of Sarajevo.

I moved to Portugal in 1992 and have been living in the Lisbon area ever since.

Having great interest in understanding how things work, I end up tearing apart almost everything I have.

This happens for all kind of electronic devices, motorycle engines or even my kids toys 😬

As an engineer by profession, I have been working in the IT industry since 2004.

In my free time, I prioritize family time and when possible I spend most of my time either traveling with motorcycles or working on them. With the right company and weather, I also really enjoy going for a round of golf.

I tend to avoid social networks as well as products from large corporations as much as possible. Instead, I try to adopt alternative FOSS solutions and to support smaller businesses.

Where I seem to spend most of my time is on computers. I just get drawn into them very easily and follow the rabbit hole.

This website as well as a number of other services are hosted on my hybrid cloud. It is based on a Kubernetes cluster spanning across my on-prem and public cloud infrastructure. I use the GitOps methodology to manage my deployments, so that my entire environment is declared and easily replicable. This is also how I like to do things at work.

Professional Experience

My career in IT started about 20 years ago. My first job was in 2004 when I finished high school. I have completed my Engineering Degree later while working at the same time as I worked a full-time job in an engineering role during the day and attended uni presentially during the evening.

Throughout my career, I have worked on all kinds of projects, roles and seniority levels in startups as well as on larger organizations. I was already an engineer, a principal engineer, a director and a CTO. I'm not fixated on any type of role and what I enjoy the most is working in positive environments and address hard engineering challenges with highly competent colleagues.

Igor Borisoglebski © 2024